Friday, February 26, 2016

Why You Should File Your Taxes Early

If you’re like most taxpayers, then you wait until the absolute last minute to file your taxes. And, while there’s not really anything wrong with waiting until the last minute, providing you get your taxes in by the deadline, you do miss out on some key benefits. In fact, there are many excellent
advantages to filing your taxes sooner rather than later, which is why you should definitely consider early filing this year.

Get That Refund in a Flash
One of the best benefits of filing your taxes early is that you’ll get your tax refund back that much sooner! This can really help if you’re strapped for cash or want to start the New Year off on the right financial foot.

To get your tax refund back as soon as possible, file electronically and then have your funds direct-deposited into your bank account. That’s proven to be the fastest method. So, if you choose that method and file early, you’ll definitely be enjoying your refund long before most people you know!

Reduce the Risk of Theft
Tax scams are, unfortunately, something that happens quite regularly. One of the most common tax scams is for a thief to file someone else’s taxes and pocket the refund himself. All a thief typically needs to do this is a person’s social security number.

However, if you’re going to be the victim of this tax crime, there’s a good chance the criminal would file very early in the tax season. You can, quite literally, beat any potential scammers to the punch by filing early. That way, even if you are victimized, your taxes will already be filed and done!

More Time to Pay
You’ll also find that filing taxes early gives you more time to pay back any money you owe to the IRS. People who know they owe money are typically less likely to be in a hurry to file, but honestly, they are the ones who can benefit the most from it!

When you file early, you’ll, first of all, be clear on exactly how much you owe, and who knows, it might be less than you thought! You’ll also have lots of time to determine the best way for you to pay back the money that you owe and/or to make special payment arrangements with the IRS if necessary.

No Extensions
Finally, when you file early and get your taxes done with for the year, you don’t have to worry about the hassle of requesting an extension from the IRS. Extensions are not only a pain to get, but they can also increase your chances of having to pay interest and penalties on owed fees and put you in a time-crunch-induced panic at the last minute. Don’t put yourself through that- file early!

As you can see, filing early is beneficial in many ways. This year, don’t procrastinate- get that filing done!

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