Wednesday, October 12, 2016

How Does Your State Beer Tax Rank?

A glass of helles
Did you know that every state pays some kind of beer tax? The exact amount of this tax varies from state to state, but everyone does have to pay some kind of tax on the beloved beverage. As of right now, the state of Tennessee has it the worst with a beer tax holding steady at $1.29 per gallon of beer.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Wyoming residents get the best deal with a beer tax of only two cents per gallon!   

You may be wondering how beer taxes can vary so much from one state to the next, but it really all depends on which particular formula a state chooses to use to come up with its beer tax. Some states, for example, base their taxes by volume, others just add in even more sales tax. It’s really a matter of preference from state to state, which means that some states have a huge beer tax, and others have one that’s barely there.

With that said, you’ll pay the most for beer if you live in any of the following states:
·         Tennessee
·         Hawaii
·         Alaska
·         Georgia
·         Alabama

And, the lucky folks residing in these states will pay the least for their beer:
·         Wyoming
·         Indiana
·         Missouri
·         New Jersey
·         Wisconsin
·         Rhode Island
·         Colorado
·         Massachusetts
·         Oregon
·         Pennsylvania

Regardless of where your state falls in terms of its beer tax amount, one truth remains: people who love beer typically love it enough that they’ll pay the tax, no matter what it is!

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