Showing posts with label Naperville Audit; Naperville Audits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naperville Audit; Naperville Audits. Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is Blackberry Going Private?

Once upon a time, Blackberry was the number one producer of smartphones in the United States. Unfortunately, however, that time has passed; after undergoing an audit and simply falling in popularity, the company has found itself in financial hot water. Luckily for it, however, there is another company—Fairfax Financial—that is reportedly willing to pay $4.7bn to acquire the company. Fairfax, which is based in Canada, is not new to dealing with Blackberry. The firm already owns around 10% of Blackberry and now wants to work with other buyers to own the company for an estimated $9 per share.

If the deal goes through, what would this mean for Blackberry? Well, the change would turn Blackberry into a private company and would remove its public Nasdaq listing. Really, though, this might not be such a bad thing for a company whose stocks have been falling at an alarming rate.

Don’t let audits or other happenings put your business in the same state as Blackberry. Protect your business, your investments, and yourself by working with Susan S. Lewis, Ltd. in Naperville. #Naperville Audits
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