Showing posts with label (Naperville) Audit; (Naperville) Audits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label (Naperville) Audit; (Naperville) Audits. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2013

Himanshu Raja Named New Finance Chief

On August 27, 2013, GS4 made the decision to appoint Himanshu Raja as its new finance chief.  Putting a new person in power isn’t the only change that GS4 is making however; the company claims that hiring Raja is simply the first step in a whole new direction.

Whatever GS4’s plans for the future may be, Raja appears to be a smart move. He was formerly an employee of Misys, a financial software distributor owned by Vista Equity Partners. And, before that, Raja worked with both BT Global Services and Logica. He joined each of these companies when they were going through times of stress and change, and, in each circumstance, helped to turn things around for the better. Perhaps that’s why there is so much speculation that Raja was brought on to the GS4 team in order to make positive changes and to prepare the company for the future ahead, including any audits that may take place in the near future.

If you or your company is facing an audit, you might not be able to call on someone like Raja to help you through the audit process, but you can call on Susan S. Lewis Ltd. of Naperville.
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Scam Risks High for Military

While the average American worries about having to undergo an audit, military personnel often have even more serious financial worries in mind. While audits might not be pleasant, it’s even more unpleasant to fall victim to a financial scam, a sad fact of life for many military professionals. In fact, the threat to military workers is so great that, back in 2012, the Federal Trade Commission reported over 62,000 consumer complaints related to scams from active or retired military personnel and their spouses. Fortunately, having realized the severity of the situation, several organizations banded together to create National Military Consumer Protection Day.

July 17th marks the official day, but protecting vulnerable service members should be a concern all year long. Military personnel, with their regular moves and long stints away from home are easy targets for identity theft, online scams, and more. So instead of worrying about whether or not you’ll be facing an audit, why not get out there and do what you can to spread awareness about this special day? Check for events related to the day in and around Naperville, and do whatever you can to alert people to this growing problem.
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Monday, July 22, 2013

How to Make Smart Investments

If you want to have a financial future (and a financial present!) that’s bright, then you need to be making regular, diverse investments. You should have a steady savings account that you can draw from in case of an emergency, as well as property with a high value, a retirement fund, and more.  If you’re not making investments, then you’re not making the most of your money, plain and simple. Fortunately, any good accountant can provide you with some solid advice about which investments might be a good choice for you and about which ones aren’t particularly suited to you and your needs.

Another great thing about working with a professional accountant is that he or she can make sure you’re doing everything legally and by the book. That way, if you ever have to survive an audit you’ll make it through just fine. Audits call every financial move you’ve made into question and if there’s something amiss, an audit will find it. Do things right by hiring a trustworthy accountant from Susan S. Lewis, Ltd. in Naperville.